Care4Dairy, Translations
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Farmers, Advisors, Veterinarians, Policy Makers, Competent Authorities, Industry

Polish Edition of Care4Dairy Factsheets & Best Practice Guides Available!

By Published On: May 3, 2024Categories: News

The Polish Factsheets and BPGs are now available on the Care4Dairy website. Coming next: French and Italian Editions!

The Care4Dairy outputs will be available in 7 languages (English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish and Spanish).  The multilingual functionality of the Care4Dairy website is almost fully operational – go to the language selector at the top of the homepage (or any of the other pages) to select your preferred language. Please note that the News items on the Care4Dairy website are translated by AI, all other texts have been proof-read by a native speaker.

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